
window to the past,present and future

Sep 15, '08 3:43 AM (from my multiply account)

i've started reading sidney sheldon novels when i was in grade six and i could finish one book in just one sitting.there's just something about books that makes my time stop when im so caught by a certain novel.

sometimes it makes u look like a nerd (lol). but i guess my passion in keeping myself hooked in reading is the fact that i could get into a place or time of the past,present and even of the future.

i read everything...from the wrapper of smoked fish. cartons.everything that i could get my hand in to.the perk of really love reading books is that when i enter the national bookstore or any book sale, i won't go out without a book on my hand.it keeps my imagination really uhm...

i have six books right now:for one more day by mitch albomthe witch of portobello by paulo coehlo2books by nicholas sparks (courtesy of mam mac)to the nines by janet evakovich,beauty for ashes by john farinaehm..i hope to finish 'em before i buy some more..

done reading them all and have nothing on my palm..planning to buy sheldon's "mistress of the game"

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