



Gracefully dances her way
Amidst the green unenvied meadows
Boldly, saunters with tranquility
With a light heart-fin’lly she found serenity

Was once hurt
Dawn reminds her of the priceless tears she cried
Dusk reminds her of the pain she felt
But those were merely reminders of the past

In her horizon,tears were no more
Crystal dews fill her silky cheeks
In her horizon, pain were felt no more
Flowers shower her with untainted scent

To him…

Will only be a silhouette
An image he wished would once
Again become true

The one he gave the reason to bid goodbye
Now he mourns her absence
His only melody which once he
Played with a strong note how he wishes that the rays
Would once again reflect her

Bring her back to him

Whom he once brought pain
Whom he caused much pain

Mourn forever he will
For a love lost
For a love not taken cared off

How he wishes that she remembers him
When she lives in a place where
Hurt has no place for reminiscence

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